'Station Eleven' (2014) by #EmilyStJohnMandel reviewed for #SciFiMonth.

'Station Eleven' (2014) by #EmilyStJohnMandel reviewed for #SciFiMonth.
#FinishedReading #EmilyStJohnMandel 's story of a temporal anomaly that muddles together characters from the 20th, 21st, and 23rd century, and the 24th century researchers trying to unravel the event. After reading a few books recently by authors working hard to write pyrotechnic prose, Mandel's more minimal and exact, but still interesting, style was a breath of fresh air for me, even if the story feels a little lightweight in the end. @bookstodon #bookstodon #SciFi
Station Eleven, a book by one of my favorite authors, is $1.99 from Google Play and B&N today.
Four years ago #today, I asked Emily St. John Mandel about her fellow author Stephen King's commentary regarding those who compare coronavirus to events in The Stand. Her reply:
"Sure. Covid-19 isn't like Station Eleven either. We must take the current
pandemic seriously, but you're unlikely to live out your final days in the
company of your fellow actors in a post-apocalyptic theatre troupe."
#EmilyStJohnMandel #StephenKing #StationEleven #TheStand #COVID19 #Bookstodon #Books @bookstodon
Book 7: The Singer's Gun, by Emily St. John Mandel.
Anton Waker abandons his family's shady line of business for a normal life, but his cousin blackmails him into doing one last, simple and failsafe, job...
Emily St. John Mandel is an excellent storyteller!
In Sea of Tranquility , #EmilyStJohnMandel describes a character as being "prone to inertia," which is such an eloquent way of calling them lazy. #DadThoughts #WeekendThoughts #Bookstodon @bookstodon
"In those streets everyone moved faster than me, but what they didn’t know was that I had already moved too fast, too far, and wished to travel no further."
- Gaspery Roberts, Sea of Tranquility by Emily St. John Mandel
#Books #BookQuote #Bookstodon #EmilyStJohnMandel @bookstodon
Hab #DasMeerDerEndlosenRuhe von #EmilyStJohnMandel heut signieren lassen und zu Ende gelesen.
Bittersüßer Zeitreisepandemieroman, der mir beweist, dass SF und Tagesaktualität durchaus zusammenpassen, es ist halt eine Frage der Kreativität.
Wann, wenn nicht grad eben, kann man so fühlbar über eine Pandemie schreiben?
Ja, sicher schafft Literatur auch fernste Dinge nah werden zu lassen. Mandel nutzt jedoch frischeste Erfahrungen und mir purzelten nur so die Erinnerungen ins Lesehirn. Toller Roman
Es gibt Verlage, die machen gleich zwei schlümme Dinge auf einmal bei ihren Büchern: Lesebändchen vergessen und Aufkleber aufs Cover bappen.
Beides grad gefixt für #DasMeerDerEndlosenRuhe von #EmilyStJohnMandel
I've been looking forward to Sea of Tranquility by #EmilyStJohnMandel for a while, but I felt the need to re-read Station Eleven and Glass Hotel first, and then had to wait a bit for SoT to be available from the library. I started it on Wednesday and I am NOT DISAPPOINTED. I just got to the twist (is it a true twist? there was definite foreshadowing) and now I'm worried this book is going to be over way too soon. #FridayReads #Bookstodon #AmReading #Books @bookstodon
@ferngirl I love the other two books I've read by #EmilyStJohnMandel, and am very much looking forward to SoT. I'm hoping to get to it in 2023.
"Dr. Eleven: What was it like for you, at the end?
Captain Lonagan: It was exactly like waking up from a dream."
#StationEleven #Bookstodon #Books #EmilyStJohnMandel @bookstodon
Continuing my prep for Sea of Tranquility by re-reading Emily St John Mandel's backlist... or, at least, the two novels I'm familiar with. In July, I read Station Eleven for the 3rd time. Now I'm on a re-read of The Glass Hotel. I was struck by this:
"(Idea for a ghost story: a woman gets old and falls out of time and realizes that she's become invisible.)"
Was the author thinking out loud? Because I would totally read that story. #Bookstodon #AmReading #EmilyStJohnMandel #Books @bookstodon
Had put off reading #StationEleven during the height of covid - thought it would be v heavy & too real. But I finished it yesterday and it was beautiful. The sustaining power of art in difficult times.
#bookstodon #EmilyStJohnMandel
"They drank for a few more minutes and then went their separate ways in the storm.
Of all of them there at the bar that night, the bartender was the one who survived the longest. He died three weeks later on the road out of the city."
The haunting matter-of-fact way #EmilyStJohnMandel crafts her narrative is so striking. #StationEleven #Bookstodon #Books @bookstodon
@likewise @bookstodon I've read some good books this year. My favorites might have to be Books 4 and 4.5 of #TheDarkTower series and #StationEleven, but those are re-reads, so do they count?
Close seconds would be This Time Tomorrow by Emma Straub and Best. Movie. Year. Ever. by Brian Raftery. #Bookstodon #StephenKing #EmilyStJohnMandel
@thebaywindowgirl @dbsalk @bookstodon Yes! I binged all her novels last summer, plus the St11 tv-show. What a landscape creator she is. I began to search for the hashtag #emilystjohnmandel now after seeing beautiful pics from Sleeping Bear Dunes, MI, then looking for them from the maps, and recognising Petoskey, MI and remembering that Petoskey was mentioned in St11 ;D
I think it's safe to say that over the past few years #EmilyStJohnMandel has easily become one of my favorite authors, and I am very excited to pick up Sea of Tranquility soon. Before I do, I feel I should re-read some of her backlist since it seems Station Eleven, Glass Hotel, and SoT are somewhat interconnected. This is not something I mind doing at all and am really enjoying #StationEleven for the third time. #FridayReads #Books #AmReading #Bookstodon @bookstodon
@Katharina That's the book that made me an #EmilyStJohnMandel fan for life. The Glass Hotel is excellent too. #Bookstodon
@Oozenet @scalzi Ok, sure, fuck Audible. I certainly don't love #Amazon. But I was given a 3 month gift subscription so may as well use it. The pricing model just doesn't compute for me, which was thoroughly discussed in a separate I started yesterday. And while I appreciate your rec, I don't think LibriVox has the selection I'm looking for. No #StephenKing. No #EmilyStJohnMandel. No #JohnScalzi. I can't chip away at my TBR list depending on volunteers to get around to picking a book I like.