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the constant killing of Black people by law enforcement agents has “unfortunately become part of our idea of normality”

Despite making up 55% of Brazil’s
population, Black people account for 87.8% of victims of police violence.

#ICantBreathe #racism #brazil

The Guardian · Why did ‘Brazil’s George Floyd’ receive less public outcry – even in Brazil?Von Tiago Rogero

Justice for Elijah McClain?
Today is a somber, but very important anniversary. Five years ago today, someone who's been a hero to me for all that time, was tragically stolen from the world. I reported on this story last year. This is the complete story of Elijah McClain. If you never heard of him, the story is worth reading. He will always be remembered.

@disabilityjustice @disability @actuallyautistic #Justice4Elijah #ActuallyAutistic #BLM #PoliceViolence #DisabilityRights #dignity #SocialJustice #ICantBreathe #disability #blog #writing

The Death of Elijah McClain: Five Years Ago Today How First Responders Killed Elijah McClain

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But Black folk show up on Mastodon and say "Discovery here sucks and there are no Black folk." and in response people 'splain hashtags to us?

Black Twitter is strong in the hashtag game. We know how to use hashtags to find posts and people. We said what we said.

Justice for Elijah McClain – Trial Update for Tuesday through Thursday (Oct 3rd, 4th and 5th):
⚠️ CW: Police Violence against People with Invisible Disabilities. Photo – eye contact.

Tuesday, Oct 3rd:
The day began with the judge ruling that all witnesses must testify in person, which means, witnesses in Minnesota and Tennessee will be forced to travel to Colorado to give their testimony.. Judge Mark Warner also "partially" sustained a request from the defense who wants to ask a witness about McClain's drug use and hospitalization for "LSD intoxication" in 2016.

Dr. Stephen Cina, the "contracted" pathologists who performed the original "undetermined" autopsy on McClain, took the stand during the afternoon session. The account of the autopsy conclusion is details in Elijah's full story, linked below. In September 2022, after the grand jury indictment was handed down, Cina changed the original Adams County corner's 2019 autopsy. Though he amended the cause of death to "ketamine administration following forcible restraint", the (MOD) manner of death remained "undetermined", not "homicide". The doctor also claimed that he asked for body cam footage, witness statements and additional records in 2019 but, claims he "didn't get everything". Samples of McClain's brain, heart and lungs were tested, indicating that portions of the brain swollen which, Dr. Cina attributed to lack of oxygen. He also said the lungs were twice the original size because of inflammation associated with "aspirated vomit".

Emails obtained through an open records request revealed that Adams County coroner Monica Broncucia-Jordan met with the Aurora officers that were investigating the killing of Elijah McClain, before the autopsy's "undetermined" MOD conclusion was reached. Cina also testified that two Aurora investigators were in attendance during the autopsy, while the actions of APD officers were under "review". These two events, in conjunction with the timing of the "undetermined" autopsy findings, are highly questionable. Did these occurrences have influence on Dr. Cina's conclusion? Is this another example of the perversion of justice, by those who facilitate that system?

The witness claimed he change the autopsy after reviewing body camera footage, saying he believes restraint played a role in the death. In his original autopsy, Dr. Cina said, he believed Elijah had recovered from the carotid hold based on his apology after vomiting. He testified that McClain choked on vomit while wearing a mask during the "struggle" with officers, and again after being injected with ketamine. Despite his testimony on the increased size of McClain's lungs, Cina said he's still not sure if the aspiration caused his death. He also testified that Elijah would likely have recovered, "if not for the ketamine". Ultimately, Dr. Cina's testimony seems to indicate, he still can't, or won't make an accurate conclusive decision.

Wednesday, Oct 4th:
The court was dismissed around 11 AM after only two witnesses took the stand. After some legal wrangling with the judge, Ron Ryan an Atty Gen. investigator took the stand. He spoke to the jury about the location of the incident after a map of Elijah's route was admitted into evidence, along with his jacket, shirt, pants, shoes, and earbuds. Ryan's testimony brought attention to a "red substance" found on several of the items. One of Elisha's coworkers at the massage therapy business gave very brief testimony before court was adjourned at approximately 10:51 AM. The prosecution revealed that its final witness of the day would not arrive in Denver until later Wednesday evening.

Thursday, Oct 5th:
The prosecution called forensic pathologist Roger A. Mitchell Jr., the chair of the Department of Pathology at Howard University College of medicine in DC. He was contracted by the office of the Atty Gen to review the case, and subsequently submitted an additional autopsy report for the grand jury's investigation. Mitchell's autopsy reported that, the carotid hold and aspiration of fluid and vomit were a "result" of "forcible restraint" by the officers. He concluded that the actions of the officers and the overdose of ketamine are what killed McClain.

The prosecution introduced autopsy photographs showing "abrasions and scrapes", and played body cam footage from the night of August 24, 2019. Dr. Mitchell said that the abrasions were caused by the carotid hold, and that Elijah's neck showed evidence of "blunt trauma", as well as broken blood vessels in his eyes. This seems to indicate that extreme force was applied to his neck by police. After being shown the body camera footage, the expert witness was asked to give his impressions of when Elijah began to show signs of respiratory distress during the interaction. He also addressed the paramedics diagnosis of "excited delirium".

Dr. Mitchell's testimony provided definitive evidence indicating the culpability of Roedema and Rosenblatt in the murder. The defense interrupted the testimony with numerous objections throughout. The witness said he does not believe in "excited delirium as a medical diagnosis". After viewing the footage, Mitchell also testified in that McClain's actions and condition did not support claims of such a diagnosis. He gave detailed statements about Elijah's actions and statements in the footage including, when he told police that he was was experiencing pain. The doctor said, "… If we believe this notion of excited delirium, one of the things with excited delirium is that you're impervious to pain and that response objectively tells us that he's not impervious to pain, that he's responding to painful stimuli is being placed upon him" [SIC]. With the damning evidence presented thus far, it's not looking good for the two officers being tried for the murder. I'd imagine, this is little consolation for Elijah's mom Sheenen, who was in the courtroom today. Testimony resumes on Friday.

[Correction: With many sources conflicting with one another throughout the course of this case, including discrepancies of Elisha's age, I'd like to clarify a couple of points about my articles. With limited pretrial coverage, some of the court dates for the three trials of the five accused first responders have been changed. I previously reported that the trial for the paramedics was to begin in August, as one source stated. With the multitude of changes, it's been hard to keep up sometimes. I also erroneously describe some of the officers as "former" when in fact, they are suspended without pay. My apologies for these inconsistencies.]

Click here 🧠 for the full account of what was done to Elijah.

OutOfExile_IDR 2023

#JusticeForElijahMcClain #BLM #DisabilityJustice #SocialJustice #NoJusticeNoPeace #StopKillingUs #ICantBreathe #InvisibleDisabilityRights #PoliceViolence #SayMyName @disabilityjustice @disability @actuallyautistic

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Justice for Elijah McClain – Trial Update for Friday Sept 29th:
⚠️ CW: Police Violence against People with Invisible Disabilities.

On Friday, a "Force and Control Tactics Instructor" from the "Federal Law Enforcement Training Center" was called by the prosecution. Dr. Marc Brown, is also a specialist in "de-escalation, constitutional policing, diversity and community trust building" for Polis Solutions, and was previously an police officer for 14 years.

Prosecuting attorney, Jonathan Bunge, showed segments of the body cam footage from August 24, 2019, the night the world suffered the loss of Elijah McClain. Bunge asked the expert witness to give his opinion on the officer's actions in the video. The questioning was focused on whether the officers on trial followed Aurora PD training, which was the subject of Sgt. Kevin Smith's testimony Thursday.

During cross-examination, the attorneys of the officers on trial for the murder, once again, focused on shifting blame to the paramedics administering the ketamine. He argued that it was the paramedics and not the officers, who did not properly care for Elijah McClain. Considering the whole account, none of them cared for him the way they should have, as professionals, or as human beings. That's just my legally insignificant opinion.

Dr. Brown testified that the officers did not adhere to the trainings they were given saying, they "should have listened" to Elijah when he pleaded, "I just can't breathe properly". He went on to say, they were trained to "check on" a person in "respiratory distress", and immediately call for "medical assistance".
In my view: Instead of doing their "duty" to "serve and protect", they told paramedics stories about "crazy strength" and gun grabbing, with no mention of Elijah's critical state. Equally, the paramedics injected the overdose of ketamine without checking his vitals or attempting to talk to him, solely based on the scenario presented by the assailant officers. "Excited delirium" was the EMTs' unfounded snap diagnosis. The defense attempted to shift blame to the sergeant on duty, during it's cross-examination.

During the more than four hours testimony of Mark Brown, one particular statement seemed all-encompassing of the accused failure to perform their duty:
"My opinion is that during the restraint their actions were inconsistent with this directive. During the restraint, Mr. McClain several times complained that he was having trouble breathing and during the restraint period there was no indication that they monitored his breathing or pulse. And when he complained of having trouble breathing, there was no adjustment made to him and he was on his side at the time."; Brown testified.

The trial has yet to touch on the unnecessary force seemingly used by defendants, Roedema and Rosenblatt. Not only did they not care for Elijah, the audio from the doffed body cams suggest to me, they were still roughing him up in the early stages of his distress, at least. The whole time they seemed to be acting out a scenario of resistance for the cameras lying on the grass. This is just my impression watching the footage. Elijah was still handcuffed and wearing the mask, which almost certainly contributed to his inability to breathe. If I were a jury of 12 in this trial, the body cam footage would be enough for the case to have been long since decided.

Other witnesses included an Aurora PD CSI that photographed the Adams County coroner's autopsy, and officer Darren Dunson. The prosecution showed the body cam footage of Dunson, who came on the scene after McClain had been assaulted and restrained. The trial is scheduled to resume on Tuesday, October 3rd.

Click here 🧠 for the full account of what was done to Elijah.

#JusticeForElijahMcClain #BLM #DisabilityJustice #SocialJustice #NoJusticeNoPeace #StopKillingUs #ICantBreathe #InvisibleDisabilityRights #PoliceViolence #SayMyName

@disabilityjustice @disability @actuallyautistic

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Justice for Elijah McClain – Trial Update for Thursday Sept 28:
⚠️ CW: Police Violence against People with Invisible Disabilities.

Several witnesses took the stand today including forensic toxicologist Michael Lamb from NMS labs in Pennsylvania. He testified that the only substances found in Maclean's blood were ketamine and cannabis. Lamb calculated that McClain had been given 7.7 milligrams per kilogram, whereas a typical anesthetic dose for sedation is 4-6 miligrams. The dose given to McClain was more likely to render a person unconscious and require assistance breathing. The Attorney for the defense focused on the Marijuana found in Maclean's system but, Lamb said he could not speak to how it may have affected his behavior, or if he had used it on the day of the incident. The defense attorneys fixation on cannabis, seemed to me as if he was clutching at "reefer madness" straws.

Also taking the stand today was Sgt. Kevin Smith, who oversees Aurora police trainings. Prosecutors dispelled the myth incorporated in their training that claimed "if someone can talk, then there able to breathe". Smith testified, "It's a pervasive phrase, but we're addressing it because an officer can be blind to certain signs if they truly believe it's true.… A person could be able to talk but still have an issue with respirations." Smith also said that in the case of respiratory distress, officers should call for medical assistance and provide aid themselves.

The Sgt. was also asked about training in regard to use of the carotid hold that was applied to McClain more than once on the night of his death. This tactic restricts blood flow to the brain rendering the person unconscious. Smith testified there are protocols about using the carotid hold, including not to use it repeatedly. He stated, "Once they come back to consciousness, we want to kind of start a little timer and say, hey, if they're not coherent, if they're not answering questions, if they're not appearing normal in that 30 seconds, then it's a medical emergency... We need to update rescue and provide first aid if we need to."

In my personal review of the three hours of body cam footage from multiple officers on scene, they seemed more concerned with weaving a tail of resistance by Elijah McClain for the body cam audio and other responders. The carotid hold was used twice on Elijah McClain who was not provided any medical attention by police. He never regained consciousness after it was employed. The trial resumes on Friday.

Click here 🧠 for the full account of what was done to Elijah.

#JusticeForElijahMcClain #BLM #DisabilityJustice #SocialJustice #NoJusticeNoPeace #StopKillingUs #ICantBreathe #InvisibleDisabilityRights #PoliceViolence
@disabilityjustice @disability @actuallyautistic

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Justice for Elijah McClain – Trial Update for Wednesday Sept 27:

Yesterday, after a late start because of a late juror, former Aurora police Capt. Stephen Redfearn took the stand. He testified that he had changed the dispatch log from "suspicious person" to "assault on a police officer". This change was made with no investigation or corroborating evidence, such as viewing body camera footage or interviewing the responding officers.

Redfearn testified, "before this call was closed out, based upon the information that was provided to me by the sergeants, it went from a suspicious person to an assault based on the information. And so I changed it so would accurately reflect the information I had been provided". This is exactly how such misinformation becomes believed pseudo-fact, causing many to make judgments without confirmation or proof. "Procedures" like this are also a contributing factor in crimes committed by police, that are ultimately, swept away from the public eye. There are proven examples, supported by evidence in numerous cases, in which police lied to protect fellow officers or cover-up facts. The Eddie Irizarry case in Philadelphia is a prime example of this. The former Capt Redfearn, who altered the log, was the only witness to take the stand.

Wednesday's proceeding was filled with attorneys for both sides engaging in several heated "off the record" sidebar discussions. The defense took issue with late disclosures regarding certain witnesses. During the days proceedings, defense attorney Harvey Steinberg argued for a mistrial two separate times.

The trial resumed today, beginning with Attorney Steinberg asking for Roedema and Rosenblatt's trials to be severed. Once again, he requested a mistrial. The judge responded saying that, he has not seen all the evidence in the case, therefore, cannot decide on separating the trials of the two defendants. He also denied the defenses motion for a mistrial. The nurse who drew blood from Elijah McClain on August 24, Andrea Libhart, also gave her very short testimony this morning.

Click here 🧠 for Elijah's full story.

#ActuallyAutistic #BLM #DisabilityJustice #SocialJustice #NoJusticeNoPeace #StopKillingUs #ICantBreathe #InvisibleDisabilityRights #PoliceViolence #JusticeForElijahMcClain #disability

@disabilityjustice @disability @actuallyautistic

Fortgeführter Thread

Justice for Elijah McClain – Trial Update for Wednesday Sept 27:

Yesterday, after a late start because of a late juror, former Aurora police Capt. Stephen Redfearn took the stand. He testified that he had changed the dispatch log from "suspicious person" to "assault on a police officer". This change was made with no investigation or corroborating evidence, such as viewing body camera footage or interviewing the responding officers.

Redfearn testified, "before this call was closed out, based upon the information that was provided to me by the sergeants, it went from a suspicious person to an assault based on the information. And so I changed it so would accurately reflect the information I had been provided". This is exactly how such misinformation becomes believed pseudo-fact, causing many to make judgments without confirmation or proof. "Procedures" like this are also a contributing factor in crimes committed by police, that are ultimately, swept away from the public eye. There are proven examples, supported by evidence in numerous cases, in which police lied to protect fellow officers or cover-up facts. The Eddie Irizarry case in Philadelphia is a prime example of this. The former Capt Redfearn, who altered the log, was the only witness to take the stand.

Wednesday's proceeding was filled with attorneys for both sides engaging in several heated "off the record" sidebar discussions. The defense took issue with late disclosures regarding certain witnesses. During the days proceedings, defense attorney Harvey Steinberg argued for a mistrial two separate times.

The trial resumed today, beginning with Attorney Steinberg asking for Roedema and Rosenblatt's trials to be severed. Once again, he requested a mistrial. The judge responded saying that, he has not seen all the evidence in the case, therefore, cannot decide on separating the trials of the two defendants. He also denied the defenses motion for a mistrial. The nurse who drew blood from Elijah McClain on August 24, Andrea Libhart, also gave her very short testimony this morning.

#ActuallyAutistic #BLM #DisabilityJustice #SocialJustice #NoJusticeNoPeace #StopKillingUs #ICantBreathe #InvisibleDisabilityRights #PoliceViolence #JusticeForElijahMcClain #disability

@disabilityjustice @disability @actuallyautistic

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Justice for Elijah McClain – Testimony Resumed on Tuesday.

The murder trial for two of the officers charged in the death of Elijah McClain continued on Tuesday. Security footage from the Shell gas station where McClain purchased iced tea moments before being confronted by police was shown in court. McClain is shown completing his transaction and bowing in respect to the customer in line behind him. The owner of the gas station was questioned by the defense about McClain wearing a mask and coat on the warm summer night. The defense attorney asked "... you are telling me that it wouldn't give you pause for concern?", to which the witness responded, "No, it all depends on the persons, demeanor." Elisha wore those garments for medical reasons.

The defense also argued that Maclean's "resistance" to officers, could have contributed to his death by making it harder for him to breathe. They have repeatedly attempted to shift blame to the paramedics who administered ketamine despite the body camera footage that documents officers requesting the administration of the drug. The 911 call that reported a "sketchy" individual wearing a mask was also played in the courtroom.

McClain was a 23-year-old autistic black man whose death generated public outcry across the world. The trial will continue today.

Click here 🧠 for more on what they did to Elijah McClain.

#Justice4Elijah #BLM #DisabilityJustice #SocialJustice #NoJusticeNoPeace #StopKillingUs #ICantBreathe #InvisibleDisabilityRights #PoliceViolence #JusticeForElijahMcClain

@disabilityjustice @disability @actuallyautistic

"Killed by Police Over Eight Dollars – Ethan Saylor's Story"
⚠️ CW: Disability and Police Violence (The details may be disturbing to some)

On January 12, 2013, 26-year-old Ethan Saylor of New Market Maryland, went to the movies to see "Zero Dark Thirty" for the second time. After the movie, his caregiver went to bring her car to the front of the theater while Ethan waited inside. Being his favorite movie, Ethan snuck back in to watch the movie again while she was gone.

The theater manager told him that, he would have to buy a ticket or leave but, he refused. Ethan had Down Syndrome and did not understand, nor did he handle money. Not disturbing anyone, he was watching the movie, when the theater manager summoned mall security to have Ethan removed. His caregiver returned, pleading with the manager and one of the deputies attempting to de-escalate the interaction. She begged with them not to touch him and requested to speak to him. She was ignored and not allowed to go to Ethan.

The mall security guards that responded were actually off-duty Frederick County Maryland deputies, moonlighting as security guards. When one of them told Ethan that he had to leave, Ethan again refused and began to swear in protest. Two other moonlighting deputies came to "assist" in removing Ethan from the theater. The three veteran officers, Lt. Scott Jewell, Sgt. Rich Rochford, and Deputy James Harris, forcibly pulled Ethan out of his seat and tried to handcuff him. A struggle ensued and Ethan was taken to the ground by the three deputies.

With Ethan on his stomach, at least one eyewitness account cited that one officer had his knee pressing on the man's back. It also stated that Ethan was heard crying out, "MOMMY, IT HURT!". At this point, I have to ask the question if these men were stupid or just callously evil as I wipe the tears from my eyes. Obviously, that question is rhetorical. It should have been plainly obvious that Ethan Saylor was, as some laws word it, a "vulnerable adult" with disabilities.

A few months later, a Frederick News Post story stated:
“Saylor cursed and resisted the deputies, and he was briefly handcuffed with three sets of cuffs linked together, according to the sheriff’s office. Saylor ended up on the floor during the struggle and had a medical emergency. He was taken to Frederick Memorial Hospital, where he was pronounced dead, the sheriff’s office said.”

The Frederick County Sheriff's office investigated and later released Maryland Atty. Gen.'s report said in part:
"The opinion of the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner was that a 25 year old Caucasian male ROBERT ETHAN SAYLOR, died of ASPHYXIA. Down’s Syndrome, Obesity, Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease, and Accessory Conduction Pathways of Heart, are also significant conditions…This individual was already compromised by his Down’s Syndrome, obesity, body habitus, and heart disease, making him more susceptible to sudden death in stressful conditions which would compromise his breathing. Using the medical definition of homicide (but for the actions of other individuals Mr. Saylor would not have died), the manner of death is best certified as HOMICIDE".

In April, another news source reported about injuries to Ethan's face and cartilage in his neck, "which has yet to be explained":
“The autopsy revealed Saylor had bruises and abrasions on his face and body. And another injury: a fracture to cartilage in Saylor’s throat. Experts say it’s an unusual injury to see in a choking case. A forensic pathologist not familiar with case [SIC] says the injury happens from some kind of force... It can be seen in a manual strangulation, ” says Dr. John Hunsaker, a forensic pathologist and expert witness. “But in and of itself, one would be difficult to diagnose without more information. And it can occur as a result of a direct blow.”

The use of three sets of handcuffs is a tactic referred to as "hog-tying", in which the ankles and wrists are restrained and connected to each other with the third. In 1995, the US DOJ (Department of Justice), warned police departments that people may die when using this hog-tying method, yet there are still many that employ this technique of restraint. To be clear in regard to the sheriff's worded claim of a "medical emergency", Ethan's larynx was crushed and at least one of the sources below use the words "broken bones" in his neck. Despite the homicide ruling, 17 eyewitness account statements and Dr. Hunsaker's statements, a Maryland grand jury refused to indict the deputies for the murder of Ethan Saylor. One of the officers, Sgt. Rich Rochford, was later "quietly hired" by Frederick city Police Department, despite his involvement in the incident.

It seems I write about these horrific instances of police violence against people with invisible disabilities all the time. It's certainly not because I enjoy them, and it is very emotionally taxing to do so. The fact is, situations like this occur so regularly, there's too many stories to ignore. 50% of people killed by police in the US have a disability and unfortunately, many people never hear about, or care about stories like this. Many seem too busy fighting about colors or wooden hammers. How many of you have heard of Ethan Saylor, Christian Glass or Elijah McClain. I feel that telling their stories to wake people up, is the first step in inspiring them to stand against these recurring injustices facing the invisibly disabled community. Ethan is just another tragic example of the senseless, hateful authoritarian murders of otherwise innocent people. He was killed over an eight dollar movie theater ticket, to put things in perspective. This is one of the main reasons I do what I do, and the support for the cause of people with invisible disabilities is very much appreciated.

The Preventable Death of Ethan Saylor – "Psychology Today":

Maryland Grand Jury Refuses To Indict Deputies:

The Trouble with the Robert Ethan Saylor Case:

Frederick city Maryland police quietly hired cop who killed Ethan Saylor over a movie ticket:

Deputies Want Lawsuit Dismissed in the Death of a Man in Custody:

The Road We've Shared:

Sister of a Man Who Died in Police Custody Continues to Fight for Justice:

#Disability #DownSyndrome #ICantBreathe #ImJustDifferent #PoliceViolence #NoJusticeNoPeace #StopKillingUs #acab #EndAbleism #SpeakUp
@disabilityjustice @disability

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Elijah McClain's mother left the courtroom in tears on Friday after body cam footage of his final moments were shown. Aurora Colorado PD has a long history demonstrating a "pattern and practice" of victimizing and harming POC and people with invisible disabilities.

Elijah's "behavior" during the encounter was not that of a criminal in defiance but, a harmless person with invisible disabilities.

Lawyers for the officers accused of murder have attempted to shift blame to the paramedics had injected him with ketamine.

Click here 🧠 to read Elijah McClain's full story.

#Justice4Elijah #BLM #DisabilityJustice #SocialJustice #NoJusticeNoPeace #StopKillingUs #ICantBreathe #InvisibleDisabilityRights #PoliceViolence #acab #JusticeForElijahMcClain

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